West Finland International Summer High School took place in West Finland College on 7th till 13th July 2023. Maroccan and Finnish students were studying history and cultures but also had some nice activities during the evenings. Two students from Marocco, Ines and Hatim, wrote to our blog. Read what they did during their stay in Finland and how was it.
"Our amazing trip started the third of July, we had 4 days in Helsinki, where we visited the city and did some shopping, we also went to the amusement park.
In the seventh of July, we took a train to Tampere, then we went to Huittinen by bus, exactly to West Finland College ( Länsi-Suomen opisto), to stay for a week. We were so tired!
On this 7 days, we had a diversity of activities combining education and amusement. Yey !! The days after were a combination of waking up early ( the hard part) and studying history, cultures and Finnish language with different activities after lunch and dinner.
As for the activities, on the first day, we discussed and prepared the Moroccan and Finnish night. ( we gave some great ideas). And a movie night is the greatest way to finish that day. As for the second day, we had the most shoulders aching and fun activity, kayaking or paddling. And for the waited moment, we finally put our ideas into actions, the Moroccan night, were we were divided into three teams, two of them made some Moroccan’s pastries ( harcha and baghrir which this one we weren’t able to make), and the other one did the Moroccan famous mint tea, and to complete the night with some dancing. The third day, we went for a walk in the Puurijarvi-Isosuo National Park! We got bit by mosquitos!
Also, and to be fair, we had a Finnish night, there we tried folk dancing, cooking one of their famous pie ( witch I forgot the name), and trying the sauna, the Finnish way. It was an experience that I can’t describe with words.

The forth day, we spent the whole afternoon at the old Rauma, where we visited a Catholic Church, and two types of sailors houses ( of the poor and of the rich), we also had a picnic dinner there. And for a second dinner we had a barbecue party. On Wednesday the famous Finnish politician Erkki Tuomioja visited us, to give us a lecture about “historians without borders“. On the last day, it was packing and traveling day, without forgetting the goodbyes! I hate goodbyes!

Well, it was a fun and interesting experience, which taught me a lot of new things about this country and the Finnish people. And that Finland is not only the best country for education, but so much more."
-Ines and Hatim from Ecole La Ruche des Sciences, Tetouan, Marocco